Оn 13 November 2018 IPA 2015 Project Enhancing the quality and efficiency of Suspicious Transactions Reporting and Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering Core Functions was officially launched and will last for 2 years. It is 1,4 mln EUR worth and will be implemented by the consortium of KPMG d.o.o. Belgrade and Institute „Mihajlo Pupin“ d.o.o. Belgrade.
The Project should lead to an increased quantity and quality of SARs; better cooperation of all AML/CFT stakeholders; increased quality of financial intelligence analysis and of ITC system of the APML. There will be improvements to financial intelligence work, track-record keeping, ML and TF risk assessment, expertise and IT capacities of the APML.
The project will also address the remaining recommmended actions of Moneyval Committee and activities from the FATF Action Plan, which is of outstanding relevance for the current stage of development of AML/CFT system in Serbia.
APML expects strengthening cooperation through Project activities with obliged entities, state authorities amd all stakeholders of the AML/CFT system.