Serbian Government adopts the NRA update (2024)

13 December 2024

At its session of 5 December 2024, Serbian Government adopted the reports on the National Risk Assessment of Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (NRA).

In 2024, Serbia reviewed and re-assessed the risks that exist in its AML/CFT/WMDPF system, including

Fourth iteration:
-Money Laundering Risk Assessment, and
-Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment


Third iteration:
-Risk Assessment of Misuse of Non-Profit Sector for Terrorist Financing
-Risk Assessment of Legal Entities and Legal Arrangements


Second iteration:
-Risk Assessment of Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and

-Risk Assessment of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Digital Asset Sector

The NRA findings are the result of the joint work of public and private sector stakeholders that lasted from June to December 2024.


The Working Group for Updating the NRA, established by the Government, by Jelena Pantelić of the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime, who has been the main NRA coordinator since 2012. The WG members comprised experts from the APML, Supreme Court, Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime, National Bank of Serbia, Securities Commission, Security and Information Agency, Ministry Interior, Ministry of Justice and Office of the Council for National Security and Protection of Classified Data.


More than 200 public sector, financial institutions and DNFBP representatives took part in the NRA exercise with the aim of reaching objective conclusions on the threats and vulnerabilities of the AML/CFT/WMDPF system.